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6th Semester Works:
300 Cob Bricks, May 2020, aggregate, water, straw, clay.
4th Semester Works.
Discarded (1&2). Wood, glass, silk fabric, silk thread, cavity blocks, synthetic fabric, paverpol, fishing line.
3rd Semester Work:
Untitled. 5332 toothpicks, hot glue, fingerprints.
3rd Semester Work:
Untitled. Styrofoam head, pva glue, polyester thread on a plinth.
Second Semester Work:
Nothing (I). Recycled newspaper, staples, masking tape, fishing tripod.
2nd Semester Works:
Nothing (2&3). Recycled newspaper, masking tape, sellotape, metal staples, metal bowl.
2nd Semester Works:
Untitled. Various sticky tape, cardboard, cable ties.
1st Semester Works:
Untitled. December 2017. Male human figure, inner tyre tubes, leaf hat on canvas.
1st Semester Works:
Untitled. December 2017. Wooden loom, inner tyre tubes.
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